Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Jay Thomas shares with us what inspired him to write Sex, Dating, and Relationships with his friend, Gerald Hiestand, and offers thought-provoking bits of counsel to those who are not yet married. He believes his book differs from the many books belonging to “purity culture,” which has come under attack in the last several years. He explains how even though the Bible doesn’t ever use the term “dating,” you will discover that there are biblical truths that govern how followers of Jesus handle dating relationships. Most of all we hope you see that God gives us his Word, the Bible, and the counsel we find in it not to restrict our joy but to protect it, and to equip us to live in ways that honor Jesus.
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Sex, Dating, and Relationships: A Fresh Approach by Jay Thomas and Gerald Hiestand: https://www.crossway.org/books/sex-dating-and-relationships-tpb/Chapel Hill Bible Church: https://www.biblechurch.org/ Listen to the podcast on Bibles.net: https://www.bibles.net/podcast/sex-dating-and-relationships-and-whether-the-bible-has-anything-to-say-about-it/
On the Bibles.net Podcast we briefly introduce you to gifted people who can help you grow in your faith. At Bibles.net we believe the Bible is God’s Word, and that Jesus is the hope you are looking for. There are tons of awesome people who believe this too, people from every walk of life. We hope these conversations motivate you to pick up the Bible, and to trust Jesus more deeply. It’s okay if you don’t identify as religious, haven’t read the Bible before, or grown up in church. Bibles.net exists to help answer your questions about the Bible and inspire you to read the Bible for the first or five-hundredth time. For more podcast episodes, visit https://bibles.net/podcast Explore Bibles.net: https://www.bibles.net/ Talk to someone about your relationship with God: https://www.bibles.net/chat-now/ Follow Bibles.net on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter: @Biblesnet
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:
The Book of Romans: https://www.bibles.net/bible-book/romans-for-families/ Romans 8: https://www.bibles.net/reader/esv/romans-8/ The Book of Revelation: https://www.bibles.net/bible-book/revelation-for-families/ The Gospel of John: https://www.bibles.net/bible-book/john-for-families/ The Book of Psalms: https://www.bibles.net/bible-book/psalms-for-families/ The Book of Genesis: https://www.bibles.net/bible-book/genesis-for-families/ Who Is the Holy Spirit?: https://www.bibles.net/topic/who-is-the-holy-spirit/ The Bible Is Sufficient: https://www.bibles.net/topic/the-bible-is-sufficient/ What is the Gospel: https://www.bibles.net/topic/what-is-the-gospel/ Relationship with God through Jesus: https://www.bibles.net/relationship-with-god-through-jesus/
Knowing God by J.I. Packer: https://www.ivpress.com/knowing-god-hardcover
Disciplines of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes: https://www.crossway.org/books/disciplines-of-a-godly-man-tpb-2/
Disciplines of a Godly woman by Barbara Hughes: https://www.crossway.org/books/disciplines-of-a-godly-woman-tpb-1/
Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome by R. Kent Hughes: https://www.crossway.org/books/liberating-ministry-from-the-success-syndrome-tpb/
The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs: https://banneroftruth.org/us/store/christian-living/the-rare-jewel-of-christian-contentment/
Thanks for listening!